Öökull – tarkuse sümbol. Händkakk. Owl – a symbol of wisdom. The Ural owl. Strix uralensis.

Ürgajal austati jumalusena loomi. Kui hilisemal ajajärgul hakati jumalaid inimesetaolistena kujutama, pühendati neile iidse uskumuse pärandina mingi loom või lind. Nii kujutasid vanad kreeklased oma peajumalat Zeusi koos kotkaga, jahijumalat Artemist emahirvega, merejumalat Poseidonit hobusega jne. Tarkusejumalanna Athenale oli pühendatud öökull.
Inimeste arvates sai Athena teadmistest osa ka jumalannat kõikjal saatev öökull. Ja see oli põhjuseks, miks öökulli suurtes ümmargustes silmades nähti tarkusesädet. Päeval ta armastavat puuõõnes maailma elu üle mõtiskleda. Öösel aga hõikab kurjakuulutavalt ja lendab oma tarkuse tõttu nii vaikselt, et keegi ei kuule. … Pioneer nr. 9 / 1968.

Animals were revered as deities in the primitive age. When at a later period the gods began to be represented as human-like, some animal or bird was dedicated to them as a legacy of ancient belief. This is how the ancient Greeks depicted their main god Zeus with an eagle, the hunting god Artemis with a deer, the sea god Poseidon with a horse, etc. The owl was dedicated to Athena, the goddess of wisdom. According to people, the owl that accompanies the goddess everywhere also got a share of Athena’s knowledge. And that was the reason why a spark of wisdom could be seen in the big round eyes of the owl. During the day, he likes to contemplate the life of the world in the hollow of a tree. At night, however, it screams ominously and flies so quietly that no one can hear because of its wisdom. … Pioneer no. 9 / 1968.

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