Esimene lumi 3

Lumesadu jagus päevadesse ja öödesse. Kas tõesti tuleb esimest lund kohe sellises koguses, et jätkub nii jõuludeks kui ka aastavahetuseks? The snowfall was divided into days and nights. Will the first snow really come right away in such a quantity that there will be enough for both Christmas and New …

Esimene lumi 2

Lumehelbed olid peened ja valge vaiba paksus oli visa kasvama kuid tänavad said kiirelt valgeks. The snowflakes were tiny ones and the thickness of the white carpet was stubborn to grow, but the streets quickly became white.

Esimene lumi

Selle aasta esimene lumi oli Suure-Jaanis maas reedel, 18. novembri hommikul. Õhukene vaibake, vaid mõni sentimeeter kuid konkreetne lumi, ei mingi hall. The first snow of this year fell in Suure-Jaani on the morning of Friday, November 18. A thin carpet, just a few centimeters but concrete snow, not any …